Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer Vacation is Awesome!

It has already been one full week since Trae graduated from kindergarten! I absolutely love having him around! We have had a blast this week. He has been a huge help around the house, he has really begun to grow up, sniff, sniff. With that said he has brought in a lot more 'activity' as well. Having him back in the house means a lot more slamming doors as he runs outside, then inside, then outside, then inside. It also means a lot more kid messes in the kitchen as he loves to help himself to snacks, breakfast and lunch which is usually chocolate milk or strawberry milk.

I am going to post some pictures of our first week of summer break. I'll start with kindergarten graduation. Next I'll post pictures of the ice cream party we had in the cul-de-sac for all the children who finished school for summer break. It was such a simple thing to do, put up a card table, buy some ice cream and then each family brought out any toppings they had on hand. The kids absolutely loved it. Some of the sundaes looked delicious and others looked repulsive there was so much junk on them. Every kid ate to his fill though.

And today we took the children roller skating at Skate City!! They had itty-bitty little skates for Elias and Addison. They were so cute. I have pics but I really can't upload them since Eli is waking from his nap and is not happy at all, wonder if he had a nightmare?!?!

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