Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thanks, Lord

Thanks, Lord, for never giving up on lil' ol' me. I am so thankful that the Lord's patience with me will last my lifetime. In my fallen state I cannot comprehend how He will persistently guide me along this journey teaching and reteaching and reteaching me (sometimes the same lesson over and over again) for the past 32 years and the next 60 or so years.

My MOPS leadership retreat was this weekend. The book upon which the weekend was focused was an allegory of a woman's journey from being hopelessly fallen to a new creation in Christ. It is called Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. The lessons I've taken away from this book are life-changing. Thanks to God who met me at the retreat this weekend I am a little more like him.

One of the themes of the book centers on the enemies in our lives who walk along our path with us doing everything they can to turn us back. In the book Much-Afraid's enemies happened to be Self-Pity, Pride, Craven Fear, Resentment (notice the capitals, the author personified each trait). After much reflection over my life I recognize that I have several enemies who walk at my flank whispering or sometimes yelling insults at me in hopes of making me turn my journey back to the valley from which I came.

The most interesting thing I learned, besides my constant companions, is that these used to be parts of me! An example is Anger. Right now Anger is outside of myself, always hanging around waiting to spring. Before when my walk with Christ was much newer Anger lived with me, it was a part of me, actually, it was me. I was angry much of my teen years. I see the redeeming work of the Lord in my life as he has amputated Anger from my being so now it is an annoying enemy who no longer has a hold on me.

Does any of this make sense???

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