Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One Of My Favorite Christmas Traditions!

This past Sunday afternoon BeBee (my mother-in-law, Jan) and Great Grandma Schilling (Jan's mother) came to our home for the afternoon to make Christmas cookies with the children.

They've been doing this for many years. It began when we lived away from home and they would travel to see us for the holidays. While BeBee was staying with us she'd make cookies with/for the children. Well, now that we are living back home we've kept up the tradition but without the expensive plane tickets.

This is, without a doubt, one of my most favorite holiday traditions. I know you're thinking this is true because of the plates and plates of cookies we have afterward, but you are only half right. The recipe they use is a family recipe passed down from Great Grandma Schilling. It is amazing and the time spent with their grandmothers is a treasure that will never perish. Thanks so much Grandma and BeBee!

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