Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Traeton's Junior Piano Program

Traeton has been studying piano and everything about piano for two-and-a-half years. We go every week for an hour to the music school, Children's Music Academy. It is an amazing program. I am still, after two-and-a-half years, quite impressed with it and everything about it.

A few days before CHRISTmas Traeton and his classmates performed their first program. The students were able to show-off all their hard work through solos, playing as a group, performing songs they wrote themselves, playing games that demonstrated thier ear training, their recognition of notes through three octives and nearly all musical symbols. Yes, I am very, very proud of Traeton. It has been a lot of hard work for him, for myself (since I did not know how to play the piano before this) and for our relationship.

Here are a few pictures of Traeton at his program.

Thank you to all our supportive family who attended his program. We are also greatful to each one of you who have taken him to class from time to time and helped him practice. Each one of you is a piece in his puzzle of success.

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