Thursday, April 9, 2009

Antiquated Already?

Greetings friends...

I believe I have figured out my animosity with my blog! For months and months I have been vowing to spend more time blogging, to use our blog as a more consistent way to keep in touch, to go deeper with the content of my posts and to ultimately glorify our Lord through this avenue.

But after months of trying to figure out how to change the look of our blog, to add precious backgrounds and graphics I admit defeat. I just cannot figure out how to change the elements on our page. I view lots of super creative blogs with all kinds of personal touches but how in the world do they add them! I can barely add pictures and I am sure I am doing something wrong there because of all the steps I have to go through to get them up.

I am totally embarrassed to admit that I just don't get it. I am quite worried the technology world sped by me years ago and is travelling so rapidly I may never catch up! This is so humbling but I think I may be antiquated already. Barely in my thirties and clueless on how to add personality to our family blog. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of that silly '565' in the headers of this new template?

Alrighty then, now that I have vented I am feeling like I can move onto stuff you all actually care about.

Our spring / winter breaks were fabulous. Both Addison and Traeton have returned to school. While they were home we packed our days with lots of stuff, some fun and busy and some lazy and without much direction. With each passing break from Stone Mountain Elementary (fall, winter and spring) I find that I am supremely satisfied with our modified traditional schedule. Two weeks for each break allows for one week of travel and one week of recovery/down-time.

That is exactly what our spring break looked like this year. Our first week was spent in Surprise, Arizona with my parents. We drove down which marked our first official family road trip. I had the whole drive built-up in my head as a pending horror film but I was extremely pleased as it turned out to be a lot of fun.

This was also Todd's first time to experience Surprise. I say experience because it is truly an experience. My parent's house is in a retirement community. It is extremely clean, quiet and slow. I find it a place of true refreshment and Traeton sees it as the perfect place to live once he flies the coup. Poor baby will have to someday understand in order to live in this area one must be at least 55 years of age.

I will leave you with some pictures of our time there...

Thanks for visiting.

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