Thursday, January 8, 2009


I truly cannot believe that we just sent out our Christmas letter notifying everyone of our family blog and asked you all to drop by and visit. Then a few days before New Years, completely unaware of what I was about to embark, I began reading the Twilight series.

It is now January 8th and I have read over 1000 pages of an amazing love story. I am completely hooked and cannot wait until the next chance I have to read. I have never experienced addiction but I imagine this is what it'd feel like on an psychological level. I will sit for hours at night after the kids are in bed and read. My eyes never get heavy. The latest I stayed up was 1:30 a.m. and the earliest I've turned off the light after reading was 10:45. I read no less than 2 hours every night and sneak it in during the day when I can. I think about the characters and the storyline all the time. My poor husband has been completely neglected.

So until I can plow through the rest of book three and all of book four I may not be back to post anything. There is plenty to write about though... Yesterday for instance when Elias ate who-knows-how-much toothpaste while I was preparing breakfast. Shortly after I discovered him he began vomiting toothpaste over and over. Then the diarrhea started...I thought he may have rota virus considering he had been exposed and how it presented itself. Next Elias took my brand new cell phone and sent it for a swim. It is completely toasted!!! Thank goodness the diarrhea did not continue today. Todd and I assume it was an ill reaction to the toothpaste snack.

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