Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Loving Spring!

Spring is the best, isn't it?!?!

I love spring because it is a joy to see everything come back to life. Every fall and winter I seriously doubt whether or not our flowers and shrubs and fruits will come back but they do every spring, much to my surprise! This spring our strawberries are so lush and filled with baby berries! Our challenge now is to keep the birds away so we can actually enjoy them.

Yesterday we planted a cherry tree and today Todd planted an apple tree. I have wanted fruit trees in our yard for a very long time and after being in Portland with my friend, Lisa, I got motivated to get it done! We still want a few more but they aren't the cheapest things around so we may have to wait until next year for those.

I love spring because I love seeing my babies' short, fat little legs in shorts. Winter is a long time to have thier little limbs covered with clothes. I love to see them enjoying the warm weather with thier white little legs and arms running around everywhere.

I love spring because I love open windows with the fresh breeze floating through the house.

I love spring because there are birds everywhere sharing their music as they come and go.

Thank you, Jesus, for the seasons. There is a time for every season and a season for every time.

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