Friday, May 15, 2009

Pool Opening Party

As a Weatherstone Block Captain we are required to help host one event a year. For the past few years my event has been the pool opening party. I don't know why, we are not huge pool people. Probably because I am perfectly fine being at the pool for several hours during the event, not wearing a suit and working the event.

It is pretty easy and this year will be much easier since we are having the food brought in by outside vendors. In years past we've rented a ginormous grill, had hots and hams donated and found volunteer grillers to grill the whole time! Ugh!

Anyway, this will be the sixth year (not my sixth year) of the event. It was scheduled for tomorrow 12-noon to 3 p.m. Yes, I say was because we changed it! The weather forecast for tomorrow is rotten, windy, cold and rainy. Easy decision, right?? Well, the hitch was that today was absolutely beautiful! One of those days that you think, how in the world could tomorrow be so bad that we'd have to cancel the event?? I mowed the lawn and got a sunburn! It was very difficult to make the call but we did.

And now as I am typing this post the rain is pecking at the window. The cold front has arrived, whew! I don't think I've ever been so grateful for a cold front to arrive as I am right now.

So, the Pool Opening Party is now going to be Sunday, same time, same place, different day!

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