Saturday, May 24, 2008

Little Friends On Their Way!

I know I just posted but I wanted to post again because we have some little friends coming to stay at our house for the next four days. This is terribly exciting for Traeton and Addison, and Todd and I as well.

Our dear friends are taking off for some well-deserved couple time at a spa in a different state. We have the privilege, the blessing, actually, of taking care of their most precious valuables until they come home.

I am thrilled at having two precious girls in the house. That means two little girls to make up in the morning! Ahhh, bows and barrettes, definitely one of life's sweetest treats.

There will be three little boys to race cars, build tracks and hopefully some awesome block towers!

To D and J, we hope you have a fabulous time! Thank you, thank you, thank you for trusting us with your babes. We will love on them as we do our own, I promise.

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