Saturday, May 24, 2008

Oh Blessed Chicken Pox!

Wow, has it truly been a whole week since I've posted!?! Please know that I am so excited about this blogging thing! Everyday I think of about 100 different posts but due to my current stage life I am rarely able to sit down when I get the urge to write. But, oh, I would never, never wish for any other stage of life but this exact one right here.

In these upcoming days, however, I may find myself closer to the computer than usual since we are officially quarantined to the house. Yes, Elias, sweet baby boy, Elias has full blown chicken pox. This is definitely a bittersweet experience because it is heart wrenching to see my baby so uncomfortable yet now I know he'll be set for life, in the chicken pox department that is.

I am quite relieved that he has contracted the virus because I really thought his chances would be nil not that most children being vaccinated. It was just two weeks ago that I had him in for his 18 month well-baby visit and refused, once again, the vaccine. As with Traeton and Addison we decided to hold out to the last possible minute in hopes they'd contract the real-deal. Success!

The great thing about a long contagious stage is that one is forced to be home, be still, slow down and notice the small things. I remember really enjoying the simplicity of life when T and A had the pox in Chicago. I am looking forward to the same this time. If you need something you know we will be home.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

whoah! crazy... i'm sorry. hopefully this does not mean you
can't enjoy the sunshine from your backyard? why did you refuse the vaccine? just curious. :-) xo