Saturday, July 12, 2008

We call it Birthday Season!

As I sit here I am beginning the process of re-establishing balance, re-engaging in the normal routine of our lives here in our little home. This is because we are rapidly nearing the end of birthday season. Birthday season here is a short, yet very long, three weeks or so where the majority of our family, immediate and extended has their birthday. Here is the list:

Tony and Lindsey anniversary - 6/14
Mom B. - 6/16
cousin Brigg - 6/18
cousin Trevor - 6/21
Addison - 6/22
Burmeister anniversary - 6/22
Dad R. - 7/2
Traeton - 7/8
Brandon - 7/10
Todd - 7/11
cousin Tisha - 7/11
Kaylene - 7/16
our anniversary - 7/25
Grandma B. - 7/26

Okay, so I threw in a few anniversaries. But, as you can see that is a lot of birthday dinners and birthday cake! As of right now Trae and Addie get full-on birthday parties. I am thinking they may have to alternate years between parties and a small, yet special, celebration. This way there'd only be one party per season. Our neighbor a few houses down has this policy in place for their three children and I think it is a good one.

I love birthday season! The excitement in our home is just electric! The children are at such a great age for birthdays. They love the count down, seeing the presents wrapped and waiting for the big day to arrive and of course writing all those thank you notes - haha!
Have a fabulous week!
All my love...

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